New star wars bookz
New star wars bookz

On Taris, worshippers attempt to buy his lightsaber, though it’s almost definitely a fake.

  • On Corellia, bounty hunters discuss their dying profession: “Bounties on the bounty hunters,” says one named Dengar.
  • Chancellor Mothma is considering cutting the New Republic’s “military presence by ninety percent once we are able to confirm an end to this war,” though some are skeptical of that decision.
  • Two brothers on Saleucami are torn apart when one sides with the rebellion, the other with the Empire.
  • More important than the primary narrative, however, are the interlude chapters, which provide short vignettes of life throughout the galaxy:

    new star wars bookz

    He is likely a substantial villain in The Force Awakens ( speculated by some to be Andy Serkis’s Supreme Leader Snoke). Later, Sloane reports to an unnamed fleet admiral who had set in motion the capture of the Imperial leaders in order to cull the Empire of weak leadership. In the main story, a bunch of high-ranking Imperial leaders, save for one, Admiral Rae Sloane, are killed or detained. The main narrative is mostly an excuse to set up world-building details: The Rebellion has transformed into the New Republic, which identifies itself as a democracy and the new Galactic Senate is led by Mon Mothma.

    new star wars bookz

    What did we learn about The Force Awakens? A ton of stuff. Norra, her tech-wiz son Temmin, bounty hunter Jas, and an Imperial defector named Sinjir team up to stop the Imperial meeting. As the novel establishes, many of the Empire’s best are gone, “what’s left is, in part, dregs.” Former Red Leader Wedge Antilles is captured by the Imperials, but manages to send a distress call received by Norra Wexley, a former rebel pilot. Imperial leaders are gathering on the Outer Rim planet of Akiva to plot their next move. The main point of Aftermath is to emphasize that, despite the ending of Return of the Jedi, the Empire has not been entirely defeated. Star Wars: Aftermath (Chuck Wendig, 366 pages)Īftermath is the crown jewel of this whole effort, clearly meant to establish both the state of the galaxy in The Force Awakens as well as open up avenues for films further down the line.

    New star wars bookz